Assignment 2 Copy

Question 2:

"Ellis suggested that a small number of core beliefs underlie most unhelpful emotions and behaviours".

Outline the core beliefs and describe how these might contribute to a person developing depression or an addiction.


Instructions on Assignment.

The questions relate directly to the reading and video content content  that is contained in your materials sections.

The word count for each essay is between 1000-1500 words..

You can use any information that you deem necessary but it is not a requirement to use outside sources.

For the assignments on our courses we are more interested in your subjective response rather than a purely academic exercise. Tell us how the course “affected you”, how you “felt” about the various case studies and scenarios presented. As you will now understand after reading the course material emotional intelligence is very important in this work rather than analytical thinking although that has a place also, so try and get a good balance between both.

Please note that you must upload the assignment in PDF format. Word documents cannot be uploaded.

Your Tutor will send you the grade within 14 days of receiving the Assignment.

Grading System

  • A(+ or -): Distinction (thorough response to all aspects of the assignments)
  • B(+ or -): Merit (satisfactory response to the assignments)
  • C(+ or -): Pass (assignment, but could have a more detailed response)
  • R: Referred: (assignment incomplete – returned to be completed)
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