Assignment 1 Copy


This course is divided into 9 separate units – each with a different theme. Each unit to be completed within 6 weeks – from the date you join the course unless requested otherwise.

Each unit will have 2 questions to choose from. You only need to answer ONE of these questions.

The questions relate directly to the reading content in the PDF documents in the study material and videos in the video and case study materials section.

Click on the Materials tab above to see the questions.

Assignment questions for Unit 1.

Only one question is required to be answered.

Question 1.

a) Give a definition of Psychology

B) Provide a brief description of the following approaches of Psychology.

  • Behaviourism
  • Humanistic
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Cognitive.

Question 2.

Explain why Psychologists rely on empirical methods to study the topics that interest them.